Here is the long idea in progress. The ideas that stick should be integrated into the website, but I tire of editing and would like to know what you think!! The web editor also monkeys with the outline layout, I’m leaving it.
The programme concept is to spread joy and positivity through connectivity! Each month the participant will control and account for a budget, send a gift, care for themselves, reflect, and produce commentary.
- Caring Packages
- Contents
- Joy for Recipient
- Standard Package Types
- Direct send from vendor
- Hand assembled mailed
- Hand assembled delivered
- Pretty Packages
- Think of the recipient as you package!
- Be the opener enjoying receiving your gift
- Recipients
- Vary recipients
- Repeats acceptable
- Starter Ideas: friends, parents, siblings, ‘Fam’, cousins, aunts, extended or chosen family, teachers, anyone who loved on you, anyone who made you feel “part of” at some point, people that you feel could use a surprise hello from an amazing young person (who cares how long it’s been?!), anyone you think of fondly in any moment, anyone that comes to mind when you’re thinking of this programme
- Protect your and others’ privacy
- Be considerate
- Be safe
- Need consultation? Seek trusted sources
- Contents
- Item for Sponsor
Send to me this!
- A comment on this programme, process, your process, reactions, observations, questions, thoughts, []
- Form Examples: Email-log entry. Blog entry. Poem. Painting. Handicraft. Experience. Webpage. Video. Photo essay. Reading reflections. Play. Skit. Storyboard. A form you work in. That thing that your clever brain is thinking of
- Topic Examples: People and things that you are gifting. Anecdote about choosing the contents of a caring package or why. Experience of gifting. Thoughts on giving to yourself. A thing that occurred to you. Any topic from, inspired by, in opposition to, or connected to your experience of caring, gifting, or this programme.
- Quality
- A finished or perfect project is not necessarily the point, so much as a thoughtful dive on something that’s relevant to you in this moment
- Thoughtfulness, editing, & appropriate time investment are expected
- No set word counts or other specifications & metrics, unless/until we need to
- You are my capable nieces. I am putting thought, resources, love and effort IN and MY joy will be SEEing you each continue to bloom, aspire, explore, inspire, grow, change, challenge, be, laugh, struggle, shine, think, rest, create. Please share fluidly with me!
- Big Ideas
- If you have a larger project in mind, please submit a Plan-ish. Then you may turn in drafts or pieces of the project as monthly Items.
- Plan-ish :: I have a basic idea. We’ll define it when we need it
- Item Confidentiality
- Your Item is confidential? Mark it as such.
- I have no specific plans to share anything.
- I will always ask permission if I consider publishing on social media.
- You ALWAYS have the right to say to NO to publishing WITHOUT justifying or being pressured.
- Item Delivery
- Electronic delivery: yes. {Robin choose and insert location}
- Physical Items: Send high quality evidence of Item to electronic delivery address
- Hold physical Items. We’re having in person hellos in the near future.
- Budget
- Hard Limit
Standard Definition
- Limit encompasses all expenses (tax, shipping, admin, etc.). Not a penny over.
- Remaining Budget
- Rolls forward to next month
- Participant responsible for tracking
- Bday Rule
- You may use CCP funds for bday gifts by making your bday pal your monthly recipient.
- For multiple simultaneous birthdays or special occasions, you may borrow your CCP budget from the next month.
- Square up as soon as you are able
- Make note in Shared Spreadsheet
- 50In-50Out Care Balance Rule
Conceptual framework to guide joyful sharing
- 50In
- 50% of your monthly CCP spend should be spent on your Self
- Be comfortable expecting and accepting gifts and good things
- Find ways to greet gratefully and integrate resources as they flow towards you
- 50Out
- 50% of your monthly CCP spend should be spent on Others
- Joyful generosity is a golden key
- Contributing to others’ happiness is freaking wonderful
- Purpose
- You are the (process, mechanism, every-)thing that changes resources that you intake into blossoms that you offer.
- Nurturing yourself (in addition to its many benefits for your own long term health) directly affects the health of what you create and offer others.
- Nurturing others, through its many benefits for others’ long term health, increases and improves your environment.
- Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. You are beloved.
- Academics First
- Your first job is ALWAYS your school work.
- Need help? It is stronger to ask.
- Notice of Break
- If you choose not to participate in a given month, simply text me.
Ex: “No CCP starting Jan.” “CCP break for July.” “CCP off for Aug. <3 & *smoochums*” ;P
- Rejoin the programme as soon as you are able.
- Intent to Sever
- If you choose to exit the programme, simply text me.
- I’ll share openly with you, should we need end the programme.
- Budget Tracking on Shared Spreadsheet {Online location TBDiscussed & Decided}
- Standard Purchase Categories
- Care Package In
- Contents & Shipping costs
- Care Package Out
- Contents & Shipping costs
- Creation Equipment
- Supplies for handmade caring package items
- Tools for handmade caring package items
- Thank You Supplies
- Gift Cards
- Packaged Treats
- Display items & supplies
- Shipping & Delivery
- Any shipping costs NOT a direct send of complete care box
- Supplies and equipment to deliver caring packages
- Gas & expenses for personal deliveries
- Care Package In
- Standard Purchase Categories
- Gift Cards
- You may buy gift cards online to spend CCP funds in person.
- Gift cards often have an activation fee which will decrease your spending power.
- Be safe out there!!
- Thank Delivery Personnel
- We’ll be encouraging home-based joy (YAY! We deserve that!!)
- which will increase our helpful delivery people’s contact points out in the risky, intersecting world (BOO!). But since folks enjoy having jobs to feed their kin, we can use their helpful service and CELEBRATE them.
- Programme includes a Thank You Delivery Peeps starter kit. Continuing thank yous should be made a regular part of your CCP budget.
- Stay on top of your stocks.
- Share the responsibility of restocking.
- Living Process
- This programme exists for your benefit and expansion. It is rooted in my connection with you and is shaped from my desire to nurture, protect, and know you.
- I invite you to interact with the programme, add ideas, and offer constructive feedback.
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